Medication – civic amenity sites, and pharmacies. Batteries / fluorescent lamps – civic amenity sites, and some supermarkets (WeCycle bins). Household hazardous waste, "KCA" ("Klein Chemisch Afval") – civic amenity sites. Textile – Textile containers in most cities. Beer bottles - collected with container-deposit legislation, €0,10 for 0,5L. Glass jars and bottles – common collection points. Plastic bottles – collected with container-deposit legislation-systems, €0.15 for 0,5L. Collected in some municipalities and in most major cities Plastic/cans – Orange bin, or combined with paper (blue/orange bins), or underground waste containers. Collected in almost all municipalities and in most major cities Paper/paperboard – Blue bin, or combined bin with plastic (blue/orange bins), or underground waste containers.
Collected in almost all municipalities except some quarters of major cities
Biodegradable waste, "GFT" ("Groente-, Fruit-, en Tuinafval") – Green bin, or combined bin with residual waste (black/green bins), or underground waste containers.The curbside collection systems for recyclates employed vary across the Netherlands: Paper recycling pickup in Amsterdam, 2011